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by Mark Darling
Marriage Equality and the Evolution of Societal Norms
So which way are you going to vote? There have been strong arguments from both sides, but I'm concerned that a change to the current...

by Daniel Strelan
And Then Comes Spring!
Ahhh! You wake up one morning and feel it in your bones. Warmth has returned to the earth. The birds are swooping and your energy...

Reflections by Bob Garbett
Be Still: Centering Prayer
We mostly live on the fringe of our own lives. We mistake edges for essence, we skim the surface of things and somehow think or hope that...

by Russell Croft
The Hypocrisy of Jesus
“Do good to those that hate you.” It strikes me that Jesus said a lot of things that he couldn’t possibly have meant. You know, the stuff...

by Russ Shumaker
Take a Risk and Find Your Purpose
Human beings need purpose to survive. Sometimes it may feel like survival is our purpose, like when we are between jobs and struggling to...

Reflections by Bob Garbett
Be Still: Centering Prayer
We, as humans, always seek to create an environment where growth will be possible. What we are seeking to do, in effect, is to create...

by Bex
Jesus Politics - Pro-Life?
This is the third article in a series called Jesus Politics. Read my first article: here and the second, in regards to immigration: here....

by Ronnie Herrema
Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part Two
Read: Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part One Religion, for thousands of years, instead of setting people free, has divided them against...

by Ronnie Herrema
Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part One
Remember the story of the woman at the well? The woman asked Jesus, “Do we worship in the Temple (something man-made) or on the mountain...

by Christopher Newport
The Empty Nest
There once was a bird, high up in a tree, sitting on a cluster of eggs in her nest. She remained there, not eating, just warming her eggs...
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