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by Ronnie Herrema
You Can’t Change the World, But You Can Change Yours
You can’t change the world, but you can change yours... I wish that’s what we preached more often… Everyone is so busy trying to change...
by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex Ed. (Part Three)
The opening scene of television series, ‘Jane the Virgin’ shows a ten year old Jane holding a perfect white camellia. Her Abuella...
by Natalie Alexander
Giant Purple Depression Monster - Keeping Mental Illness Visible
Depression is a painful beast, dragging you down like an invisible force into a state of perceived nothingness. A friend once described...
by Ronnie Herrema
The Bandana Man
A couple of months ago, my wife, Anna, and I were feeling like crappy parents. Feelings like: being too distracted, too busy, not focused...
by Russell Croft
Heaven, Hell or Universalism - A Pilgrim’s Dilemma
Lucy entered the gates. Inside, the man who was always smiling beckoned to her. This was more than any man, however. He had a glow, an...
by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex. Ed. (Part Two)
If you read Part One of this series, then you already know I am quite conflicted regarding the sex education I received as a youth-group...
by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex Ed. (Part One)
There’s some things I really loved about growing up in the church; the sense of community, the security and the feeling of being...
by Christopher Newport
Garden Party
I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends a chance to share old memories and play our songs again. When I got to the...
by Russ Shumaker
Soundtracks: The New Music of Religion
It was just a normal Sunday in 1963 in the town of Greenville, South Carolina, when “the last pocket of resistance to secularity in the...
by Austin Fletcher
Assumption is the Mother of All F*#k-ups
Have you ever had the opportunity to sit as a spectator and watch a disagreement between two parties get so out of hand that it borders...
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