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by Ronnie Herrema
Airplanes and Manna. Seeking Answers to the Mysteries of Life
And again, the boy asked, “There’s so many big questions. How can I move forward until I know why we’re here, and what the meaning to life r

by Christopher Newport
Good Grief
I remember a friend many years ago talking about when his mother passed away. He spoke of how it took so very long to recover from the...

by Daniel Strelan
Slippery Terrain for the Mind
I believe in myth. I love a landscape where the terrain is far too slippery for the mind. That sense of ever deepening wonder and quantum...

by Mark Darling
Jimmie, Mum and Me: A Journey into the Naked Now
Have you ever wondered what constitutes a life? That is, how we interpret existence itself – both our own and that of other people? It...

by Russell Croft
Deceived by God's Word
“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic...

by Russell Croft
Faithful Servants, Talents and Evil Masters
Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share...

by Catherine Joy
Listen for the Bell
Recently, I was lucky enough (or blessed enough) to receive a scholarship that allowed me to attend Rob Bell's one day workshop in...

by Russell Croft
How Denominations Destroy Faith
Firstly, let me begin with a disclaimer. I am not anti-denomination or anti-church for that matter. I love the rich frameworks and...

by Ronnie Herrema
Why God Doesn't Heal and Why it's Ok to Cry About it
I heard a guy say, “Jesus did not cry at Lazarus’ funeral because He was sad, He cried because He looked around at all the people weeping...

by Mark Darling
The X-Files and The Psychology of Religion
As I watched the much anticipated return of The X-Files earlier this year, I started thinking about how the elements that make for a...
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