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by Christopher Newport
I have been thinking about seasons in life recently. Recent life experiences, what is happening in our world: politically, historically,...

by Russ Shumaker
Andy Warhol’s Religious Pop Art
I first encountered Andy Warhol as a freshman in college. A friend, an art student, invited me to an art show at Michigan State...

by Austin Fletcher
The Guy on the Island
As continuation of my series on “Lenses”, I want to tell you a story. When I was in college and dating my wife, she and I used to go to a...

by Bex
Jesus Politics - Immigration
Should it be that we are exercising our rightful freedom of political participation by simply voting for ourselves? This question I...

by Russell Croft
What an Agnostic Jew's Biography of Muhammad Taught Me About Faith in Jesus Christ
Faith and doubt. Seeming opposites yet unsettling bedfellows and companions. What is it about faith and doubt that so inextricably link...

by Mark Darling
Is Believing in Hell Bad for Your Mental Health?
My father died last year and it has raised a lot of questions for me. You know what I mean. The big ones. Heaven. Hell. Consciousness....

by Bex
Jesus Politics
I hold a lot of pride as a Kiwi (New Zealander, not the bird) knowing that my homeland was the first self-governing country to allow...

by Belinda Croft
The Rapture, Hell and Salvation: How our Doctrines Can Breed Fear, Suspicion and Judgment
Recently I have heard strange talk regarding the Illuminati, interesting ideas about salvation, read a controversial article about The...

by Susan Cottrell
11 Things I Would Tell You if You Were My LGBTIQ Child
I was heartsick that a Pastor – claiming to speak for God – called his Christian teenage son ‘disgraceful, demon-possessed poison.’ Many...

by Catherine Joy
6 Reasons Why I Still Believe in The Existence of God
Over the last few years I've pared my beliefs right back to basics as I've personally struggled with religion and experienced certain...
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