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by Russell Croft
Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Faith
So, here we are at an interesting time in Church history. People are leaving the Church like never before, and church leaders and...

by Nathan Jennings
From Heresy Hunter to Heretic: A Modern Tale of an Ancient Apostle
Imagine you are a Christian at a university and you are walking on campus and as you are walking you hear someone talking to a group of...

by Russell Croft
Should the Church Embrace Universal Reconciliation?
Universal Reconciliation or Christian Universalism is a concept that has gained momentum in recent times, particularly since the release...

by Russ Shumaker
It’s Time to Rethink Judgement
In Reflections on the Psalms, C.S. Lewis points out that because of our legal systems, westerners have largely been spared an age-old...

by Ronnie Herrema
The Fullness of Joy
And just as the boy was getting ready to set out on his journey, the angel gave him one final word of advice… “The road ahead of you is...

by Russell Croft
Effing with the Ineffable – Biblical Inerrancy and the Limitation of Language
An artist sits in her studio, inspired by some deep-seated emotion that arises from a reflection on her current circumstance. She works...

by Mark Darling
Worship, Hypnosis and the Neuroscience of Spirituality
Recently I did something I haven't intentionally done for a long time. I went to church. It was an environment I was familiar with. One...

by Austin Fletcher
The Yin and Yang of Heaven
Racist. Sexist. Bigot. Some labels carry with them an obvious energy that makes the world squirm. No one I know enjoys being branded...

by Christopher Newport
Are We Progressing?
As time goes by, I realise that my opinions, thoughts and beliefs have changed. I don’t think this is unusual, but it becomes obvious...

Reflections by Bob Garbett
A Divine Injection of Goodness?
I grew up in a Pentecostal Church in the early seventies. Each and every Sunday it seemed (in a myriad of different ways) I was reminded...
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