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by Jim Gordon
Inclusion within a Conditional Christianity
Why does the word inclusion make many of us Christian people cringe? We often want to include only our preferred group, those who think...
by Nathan Jennings
God is Non-Violent
A belief I've come to is that the Bible points to a God that is, and always has been, non-violent. To some this must sound like madness....
by Jim Gordon
Acceptance of Others
I get tired of so much arguing and disagreement among fellow christians. We certainly do not see a lot of unity and agreement within our...
by Russell Croft
Effing with the Ineffable - Making Room for Debate
Ask someone about an artwork and their response will always tell you more about them than the piece in question. It is impossible to...
by Nathan Jennings
God is Like Jesus
God is like Jesus, who was The Word with God from the beginning, who created all things, who became flesh and walked among us. To say...
by Christopher Newport
Life Events Can Be Like Exploding Soda Cans
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. - Harold Wilson ...
by Belinda Croft
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin. What Does That Even Mean?!
I get a very strange and odd feeling when I hear Christians deciding on other people's sin. Debating in political arenas and gathering in...
by Russell Croft
Jesus by Any Other Name
Recently Pope Francis has come under scrutiny for his conversation with a distraught young boy, deeply worried about his recently...
by Nathan Jennings
The Sin of Original Sin
Of the 3 Abrahamic religions, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, only 1 holds to a belief in the doctrine of 'original sin'. That is; that all...
by Christopher Newport
Wonderfully Made
My wife recently had an operation. Although considered by the surgeons "a minor procedure", it was pretty "major procedure" to my wife...
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