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by Catherine Joy
Ditching the Definition
I've been a Christian since I was about five, and was committed all seven days of the week (and that meant twice on Sundays)....

by Aby Wright
Love Life: Warts and All
I saw a quote today and it stopped me in my tracks. “The most difficult thing but an essential one – is to love life, to love it even...

by Mark Darling
Fragments of My Life
My life Broken pieces Fragments scattered everywhere Attempts to put it back together fail Like a jigsaw puzzle in a whirlwind It...

by Jacinta Julius
Loving the Haters
I used to know this woman in church who bugged the ever loving hell out of me. Every time I saw her I just wanted to slap her in that big...

by Belinda Croft
FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED!! Rob Bell, CS Lewis, Brian Houston, Bill Johnson, John Piper - they're
"Ye shalt locate false teachers from online evidence or in person whilst they preach and driveth extremely public campaigns against them....

by Russell Croft
The Incompetent God
Michaelangelo's piece edited by Procopius Much is made of man's free will, to choose good or evil, to accept God or reject him. The...

by Catherine Joy
Whispers of Faith and Doubt
Lean in and listen as I whisper a few thoughts about God. I’m speaking quietly because I’m still a little lost and confused. The...

by Mark Darling
Grace in a Tin Shed
Separation. Divorce. Failure. That's how it goes, right? At least that's how it did for me. Marriage was for life, for better or for...

by Jacinta Julius
Gunshots in the Bathroom
I have learned to hear God speak. In pictures and sometimes in voice. But the most traumatic reply I have ever received from God was the...
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