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by Russell Croft
Fighting back against Trumpism, globalism and dangerous ideologies (without making things worse)
The online world has been heating up for quite some time now. It seems we are becoming more and more polarised in belief and opinion, in...
by Jim Gordon
Why are We Christian's so Quick to Judge?
You may have noticed that many christian people seem very quick to judge and condemn others. If you are not a traditional, church...
by Ronnie Herrema
Apathy and the Pain of Passion
It can be hard to tell the difference between zen-like peace and apathy. Apathy; a state of mind and being that basically says, “I don’t...
by Jim Gordon
Inclusion within a Conditional Christianity
Why does the word inclusion make many of us Christian people cringe? We often want to include only our preferred group, those who think...
by Ian James
Hurting and Healing; an LGBT Acceptance Journey
Our words can wound others deeply. Sometimes they hurt us even more. Hurting Eight years ago I was emerging from religious beliefs that...
by Nathan Jennings
God is Non-Violent
A belief I've come to is that the Bible points to a God that is, and always has been, non-violent. To some this must sound like madness....
by Belinda Croft
Neo-Nazism, Jeff Sessions, Nuclear Buttons and the Social Media Civil War
As I looked into the big brown eyes of my 5 year old, it suddenly dawned on me; the reality of the times of this world we have birthed...
by Jim Gordon
Acceptance of Others
I get tired of so much arguing and disagreement among fellow christians. We certainly do not see a lot of unity and agreement within our...
by Russ Shumaker
Christianity and Buddhism
Buddhism, founded somewhere between 600 ad 400 CE by Siddhārtha Gautama, has intrigued Westerners ever since the Greeks first encountered...
by Christopher Newport
Life Events Can Be Like Exploding Soda Cans
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. - Harold Wilson ...
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