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Beck Finger
The Advent Paradox
In the lead up to Christmas, I’ve become aware of how much I really struggle with Christmas in Australia. Almost all the traditions that...

Catherine Joy
The Other Side of the Fence
As a teen, one of the authors whose work I read most avidly was Frank Peretti. His novels were revered in churches during the 1990s...

Jim Gordon
What in the World is Going On?
We all can agree that the events going on in our world today are shocking. Those of us alive today have never known anything quite like...

by Russell Croft
Faith, Peace and COVID19
How peaceful is life right now? There are a myriad of answers to that question, depending on how the Coronavirus lockdowns have affected...

by Jim Gordon
Being Kind
Kindness is something that can be hard to find in our world today. The Bible speaks about kindness many times. Kindness is even held...

by Jim Gordon
Changing My Mind on Homosexuality
I grew up in the institutional church and was always of the persuasion that being gay was a sin. I still felt I was being loving and...

A poem by Emily Messieh
I See You Mumma
I see you Mumma. Laden with bags - groceries, parcels, school bags and the ever overflowing bag you carry filled with everything the kids...

by Jim Gordon
Responsible Assembly in the Age of COVID-19
In the midst of this pandemic some think it is spiritual to show they are not afraid - that they can ignore all that is being said by...

by Emily Messieh
Advance Australia - Fair
Our country is not what it could be. These lands are not ours. Never have been, never will be. How can we celebrate a day where blood...

by Emily Messieh
Christmas without the Trappings
It's that time of the year again. Christmas. It's the crazy lead up: the mad stress filled shopping trips, where you park 2km away if you...
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